Funding Annoucement
The Barlow Institute Charity and Edgworth Cricket and Recreation Club (ECRC) are pleased to announce an agreement of a donation to the Barlow Institute Charity of £225,000 thanks to the kindness of John and Sally Roberts through their Charity. This money will be spent on helping the Barlow Institute Charity to fulfil one of its charitable aims – for sporting and recreational purposes – over two phases.
The first phase is a new electronic scoreboard at the Cricket Club, replacing the old mechanical one. It is envisaged that this will also be used for outdoor movies/tv during nice weather for the benefit of the whole community.
The second phase follows on from the overwhelmingly positive reaction from the village in last year’s consultation regarding the proposed artificial surface facility on the site of the dilapidated and disused tennis courts. We intend to proceed to the planning permission phase in the next few weeks.
An operating agreement for a 25 year period is in the late stages of negotiation between The Barlow and ECRC and will be fully in place and signed prior to breaking ground on the artificial surface project.
Once complete, this will provide a wonderful new facility within our community for all ages and many activities, as well as providing a significant income stream for both the Barlow Institute Charity and ECRC.
We would like to thank all of those involved in these projects and the kind generosity of John and Sally.
Mike Fay, Chair – Barlow Trustees
Dave Enright, Chair – ECRC